Jean-Baptiste Forcet

Jean-Baptiste Forcet

FR  31 years old
My hobbies are riding sports, that I practice between sea, oceans and mountains. So far, I was working as an aeronautical engineer. But I have taken the decision to run away from office work and dedicate my life to my true vocation : sports environment and outdoors activities. I develop my skills and competences to combine functions of sailing instructor, kitesurf, skipper & first-aid ski patrolman. During this transition period, I take time to offer myself an "Off" period (indefinite duration) across South American continent. Treks, meetings, life lessons, adventures, discoveries & cultures are the key words. JB

Corsica June 2018

July 2018

Trek & hike across the Corsican mountain on one of the most beautiful and challenging treks in Europe [GR20]. 16 days alone in almost complete autonomy (Water & food supplies) from south to north. Conca --> Calenzana / 180km / D + 12,000m